የእጅ ማጽጃ ኬሚካል (Hand sanitizer)፣ የአፍና የአፍንጫ መሸፈኛ ጭንብሎች(medical mask, Surgical N95 respirator, N95 respirator)፣ Mechanical Ventilator፣ IR Thermo Meter፣ Oxygen concentrator፣ CoVID 19 Diagnostic test kits፣ Pulse Oximeter፣ በሀገር ውስጥ ማምረት ወይንም ከውጪ ሀገር ማስመጣት እፈልጋለሁና ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ምስክር ወረቀት ከየት ማግኘት እችላለሁ? ምንስ ማሟላት አለብኝ ?

የእጅ ማጽጃ ኬሚካል (Hand sanitizer)፣ የአፍና የአፍንጫ መሸፈኛ ጭምብሎ (Medical mask, Surgical N95 respirator, N95 respirator)፣ Mechanical Ventilator, IR Thermo Meter, Oxygen concentrator, CoVID 19 Diagnostic test kits,  Pulse Oximeter በሀገር ውስጥ ማምረት  ወይንም ከውጪ ሀገር ማስመጣት ከፈለጉ የኢትዮጵያ ምግብና መድኃኒት ባለሥልጣን  ለዚሁ ዓላማ ብሎ ያዘጋጀውን  ጊዜያዊ መመሪያ እና መስፈርቶች ይህንን http://www.fmhaca.gov.et/covid19-publications/ በመጫን ይመልከቱ፡፡ የተጠየቁትን…

ከጨርቅ የተሠራ የፊት መሸፈኛ ጭንብል በማምረት ለገበያ ማቅረብ ብፈልግ ምን ማድረግ አለብኝ?

የኢትዮጵያ ምግብና መድኃኒት ባለሥልጣን ከጨርቅ የተሠራ የፊት መሸፈኛ ጭንብል ለማምረት አምራቾችና አከፋፋዮች ሊከተሏቸው የሚገቧቸውን አሠራሮች በተመለከተ ያወጣውን የብቃት ማረጋገጫ የምስክር ወረቀት እና የገበያ ፈቃድ አሰጣጥ መመሪያ ይህንን http://www.fmhaca.gov.et/covid19-publications/ መጫን ማግኘት ይችላሉ፡፡

What is a GS1-128 barcode?

GS1-128 is a linear barcode used to encode data for logistics units such as cases and pallets. The use of this barcode supports fast and accurate data capture and inventory tracking, adding visibility to your supply chain. GS1-128 barcodes are commonly used to label a logistic unit with a Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC). For…

What is a GS1 DataMatrix?

GS1 DataMatrix is a two-dimensional (2D) barcode which may be printed as a square or rectangular symbol made up of individual squares. This representation is an ordered grid of dark and light squares bordered by a finder pattern. The finder pattern is partly used to specify the orientation and structure of the symbol. The data…

How is a GLN generated?

A GLN is a string of 13 digits that is globally unique. A GLN is generated by combining the following three components in left-to-right order: GS1 Company Prefix: A globally unique number assigned to a company/organization by GS1 US to serve as the foundation for generating GS1 identifiers including GLNs. (See Section 2.4.) The GS1…

Who generates a GLN?

The GLN for a legal entity is assigned by GS1 and its member organization when the legal entity first registers for a GS1 Company Prefix. For other GLNs, such as functional entities within the legal entity or physical locations, the company that owns the functional entity or that owns or occupies the physical location generates…

What is a Global Location Number (GLN)?

The Global Location Number (GLN) is the globally unique GS1 Identification Number used to identify parties and locations. The GLN can be used to identify a legal entity (like a healthcare facility), a functional entity (like a hospital pharmacy or accounting department), or a physical location (like a warehouse or hospital wing or even a…